Morning by morning, new mercies I see.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer's End

This week I had to go back to work. Summer is officially over. I am not sad (I have a wonderful job), rather I am simply amazed again at how quickly time passes. It seems like only yesterday (indeed, it was my last post) that summer had only truly begun.

We had fun. My Mum flew over from Canada. We travelled. We went to the Badi. We had endless playdates and copious cuppas with good, good friends. It was a good summer.

The children grew so much. Isla, nearing the end of her 2 years, seemed to lose even more of her babyness, and Max, oh Max. How can I describe the difficult "in-between" he found himself in. He is, for the first time, testing me. Each day he sees how far he can push me. I get it. He starts school on Monday and he's never been before. It is daunting. With each challenge he gives me, I think that maybe, if I am careful, his stubbornness will one day develop into determination. Maybe. Hopefully.