

If my Dad's later childhood was spent in Brora, his earlier childhood was spent in Dornoch, just a few miles down the road. The beach in Dornoch is spectacular and the seals were out to greet us on the low road.
Dornoch is famous for it's cathedral (Madonna got married there) and for it's world class golf course. The draw for us however, is my Dad, my Grandpa and my Great-Grandpa being represented in the Dornoch museum. Firstly, we looked at school photos of my Dad and his brother. Looking at them reminded me of the movie, Dead Poet's Society. You know, the part where they are looking at all the photos of past students and Robin Williams is whispering "carpe diem" behind them. I could stare at old photos for ages. I love thinking about people and the lives they led/are leading.

The best part of the museum was an 18 minute DVD called The Dornoch Light Railway - The Story of the Beginning and End of a Highland Branch Line. In this DVD, my Great Grandpa and Grandpa are shown on the station platform. You only see them each for a short time but it is very emotional nonetheless. I bought a copy. Max and Isla chose to spend some of their pocket money from Nana Brora. Max bought a pencil sharpener shaped like a catapult (that actually works) and a little bottle of mixed gemstones and Isla bought two little stuffed animals. Treasures for all of us.

Here they are at the Dornoch jail, which is now a shop. Here I discovered a Scottish brand called Ness.
La Mirage

The "small" fish and chips.

From the outside looking in.

Isla standing beside the review of the Fish & Chips at La Mirage by one of the Fat Ladies. Apparently, they are in the top 6 in Scotland!

Interesting decor...

All of us!
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