Day 3 began very slowly thanks to a late night with my husband and a bottle of wine. Luckily, the kids treated us with a lie-in....something they have never done before. We decided that we would go to the train station and rent some bikes to tour around on. For those of you who don't know, EVERYONE rides a bike in Amsterdam. They are everywhere! Isla and I got a really cool one, with the baby seat on the front by the handlebars. She loved being able to see and I wasn't thrown off balance by her wiggling around behind me, trying to see! Josh and Max were on a child/adult tandem number which had Max in the front as well. He was a little anxious to start with but was soon ringing the bell and shouting, "Mummy, we're cruisin', are you cruisin'?"
I also included pics of the precarious stairs in our apartment as well as the aforementioned roof terrace. Fun stuff!
(For those of you with a keen eye, you will notice that the little monkey with his tongue stuck out has a swollen face and his eye is almost swollen shut. He has really bad reactions to mosquito bites and came down the stairs the first morning looking like he'd gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson! )
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