"Ireland is where strange tales begin
and happy endings are possible."
-Charles Haughey
To be sure, to be sure 'tis grand in Ireland;-)
We just got back from our Autumn break, which we spent near Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland.
Things that are true about Ireland:
1. It is really, really green.
2. The weather changes constantly.
3. The Guiness flows like water.
4. There are rainbows EVERY day...(we never found the pot of gold;-)
5. They have chips (fries) with everything, even pasta and/or potatoes.
Things that are annoying about Ireland:
1. They still have many, many sinks that have 2 taps so in order to get warm water, you must turn on the hot tap AND the cold tap and then run your hands under the cold water (filling up your palms) and then quickly run them through the hot water to make warm water in your hands. Alternatively, you can put the plug in the sink and mix your water there but when washing your face, it soon gets filled up with soapy water and you are then rinsing your face with soapy water which defeats the purpose of cleaning your face in the first place!
2. I found the sweater of my dreams at the woolen mill but there wasn't a single one in my size.
3. They have chips (fries) with everything!!!!!! Enough already. If I see another fry...
Things that are amazing about Ireland:
1. The air is so fresh and clean that it smells sweet.
2. The scenery is so breathtaking that your heart aches to look at it.
3. The scones are delicious.
Things I wasn't expecting about Ireland:
1. It is really expensive.
Will I go back? Definitely. I didn't get to Cork or Killarney. Must do Christmas in Killarney! (with all of the folks at home, naturally;-)
I leave you today with an Irish blessing that although common, is nonetheless heartfelt.
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.