A smile from my girl in front of her very kitsch doll house...

A pirate catching 40 winks after a hard day's plundering...
I realized today that I haven't taken pictures in a while.
They've changed again.
It is as if they went to bed and woke up bigger and more grown up.
I am scared that I will wake up tomorrow and this will be over.
This amazing time.
Waking up to the sound of feet pattering down the hallway to me.
Feeling their breath on my cheek as they whisper, pleading with me to get up, to be with them.
This being needed and wanted...
It fills me up.
How can I make sure that I soak it all up, take it all in?
How can I ensure that in the future, I will look back and say that I lived these precious moments to the full?
What about their memories?
Please God let me be fit for this job, this motherhood.